Jamie Blankenship may have been broken time and again, but her spirit continued to exude perseverance and strength to keep going.
Mimi Leggett has been fearlessly charging ahead for over eight decades. Check out her amazing story right here!
In 2019, Patricia Wagner stood up in front of the TEDx Ocala audience and gave a talk called Living in Heart-Centered Gratitude.
Ocala, FL | Locala Mag | Jessica Schultz is a tall, confident woman, who wears her heart on her sleeve…on purpose.
Dr. Manal Fakhoury has dedicated her life to service and knowledge. Learn more about her in this month’s Breaking Social Norms.
Kara Mangum’s mission is to provide resources and care packages for women experiencing miscarriage in the United States.
Behind the Shield podcast host, James Geering, shares his story and draws back the curtain on physical and mental health in first responders.
Shoogie Mama started the journey with a health scare in 2007, after a mysterious lump appeared in the breast tissue under her armpit.