After her brother passed away in 2007, Julia DosSantos knew she needed to get healthy. Read the conclusion of Julia’s story here!
Julia DosSantos has been doing CrossFit since 2019. Her story isn’t one of extreme makeover or huge feats of strength. It is honest.
Things To Do Ocala creator, Kelly McAtee, broke the Facebook algorithm. Read the conclusion of her story now!
Her look, timeless, her love for the community, endless, her commitment, boundless, Kelly McAtee is truly Ocala’s Gem!
Story by Lisa Anderson Joshua L. Mazur is a self-admitted over-thinker. Music is certainly his…
Our community is tied by the people who bring inspiration to it, and Joshua Mazur has certainly brought that to the Ocala area.
Angela Boone has loved dancing her entire life. Read the conclusion of her Follow Me story in our November 2021 issue.
Ocala, FL | Locala Mag | #localafollowme | Angela Boone dances through life and is our October 2021 Follow Me story.
Locala Mag | Ocala, FL | #localafollowme | RJ Jenkins’ Follow Me story concludes in our October 2021 issue! Read it now!
Raised in Sarasota, Florida, R.J. Jenkins has spent the last five years in Ocala, volunteering and becoming a champion of the city.