breaking social norms

From the Ashes: One Woman Chose to Rise Up with Integrity & Courage

Jamie Blankenship may have been broken time and again, but her spirit continued to exude perseverance and strength to keep going.

Gratitude: One Woman Shares Her Vision of Living from the Heart

In 2019, Patricia Wagner stood up in front of the TEDx Ocala audience and gave a talk called Living in Heart-Centered Gratitude.

Heart-to-Heart: Connecting Business Owners

Ocala, FL | Locala Mag | Jessica Schultz is a tall, confident woman, who wears her heart on her sleeve…on purpose.

Shoogie Mama Did Not Set Out to Make Natural Skin Products from Scratch

Shoogie Mama started the journey with a health scare in 2007, after a mysterious lump appeared in the breast tissue under her armpit.