The Surgeon of Song, Becky Sinn, has taken the leap to performing full-time in her solo career as well as with the band, Swing Theory.
Anne Seufert has always had an affinity towards children. Being a kinder para has been her joy in her 27-yr. career in Marion County schools.
Ag teacher, Christopher Roy, enjoys working in the garden and sharing the experience with his Ocala, Florida students.
Annette Garcia and Rhonda Williams are two peas in a pod. Their harmony is evident in all of their interactions, especially as teachers.
Dr. Manal Fakhoury has dedicated her life to service and knowledge. Learn more about her in this month’s Breaking Social Norms.
Children and teachers are returning to the classrooms or another structured learning environment. Let’s celebrate our teachers!
Kandice D’Aiuto has been the co-owner/operator of Betty Cakes Bakery and Café since 2017, and Ocalans know it’s a staple!
For Ariana Lee Caraballo 2020 provided a wide-open door to launch ALC Artistic Bakery. She has not slowed down since.
Esmirna Caraballo is offering a voice for the Ocala Hispanic Community by co-founding the HBC. Read her story in our August 2021 issue.
Becky Sinn has been captivating Ocala with her voice since she was a teenager. She is our cover queen, and August’s Follow Me story.