Leah Oxendine published an illustrative book of poetry speaking directly to mental health titled When My Soul Bleeds Words. Read her story!
The journey wasn’t so simple for Lauren Debick. She didn’t get to fast forward to her life and become a successful influencer. Read her story!
Woodly Oralus was on track to success, but life has a way of throwing a few curveballs. Read how Woodly overcame life’s obstacles.
Ocala, FL | Fitness became a lifestyle for Willy Richeson in his late teens. Learn more about this Wisconsin-native’s journey to health.
Q&Q Removal | Growing up in The Bronx, New York, Tuckson Garnes never dreamed he would one day be a business owner.
A winding and indirect road brought Josh Dinesen to the helm of First Impressions Printing, a long-standing Ocala business.
Ocala, FL | John Sotomayor struggles with alcoholism, but his LGBTQ+ magazine, Embrace, is changing his view on life.
Ocala, FL | Locala Mag | Marcia Daubenmire recalls her fight with breast cancer and thanks Marion County for their support.
Ocala, FL | “My poor choices led me to a domestic violence situation … those choices led me to be the woman I am today.”
Ocala, FL | Locala Mag | David Tozzo was stationed only a half mile away when the bombing occurred at the Beirut Barracks in 1983.