Story & Photo by LISA ANDERSON
Becky Sinn
The Surgeon of Song moved to Gainesville in 2013, where she met some pretty amazing people in the art circuit. This included Jenny Castle, a fire performer, who would later go on to tell Becky her dream. Jenny proclaimed she would one day own a beautiful bar, and Becky would sing with a big band there. “She literally said that and made it happen,” Becky’s voice bubbles with laughter and awe.
“The first rehearsal was in a church. Hearing that symphony all around me—I just couldn’t believe it.”
Another friend, Chad Young, had helped connect Becky with a Gainesville big band, and Jenny Castle provided the stage. Becky pushed through her nerves to perform three songs that would later be the inspiration to form Swing Theory. “I just channeled my inner Ella Fitzgerald and said, ‘Yes! You can do this!’” It was a dream come true for this Ocala-born star.
“People trust me to come in and be the soundtrack to their event or precious memory.”
— Becky Sinn
Three years in Gainesville produced some amazing things for Becky. Not only did she become the lead singer for Swing Theory, but she also fulfilled another dream with Jenny Castle: Becky, Jenny, and a few other fun and quirky players came together to create a sideshow.
Dr. Sinn’s Freak Island Medicine Sideshow offered sexy clowns, original music, naughty jokes, and a whole lot of amusing entertainment. They dazzled Gainesville for several years, but the shows slowed down when Becky moved back to Ocala in 2018. However, they are discussing a possible reunion in Ocala.
In 2020, Becky finally took the leap, and stepped away from her full-time job. She now exclusively sings for her supper. “I’m doing more gigs than I have ever done. I now get to do private events, weddings, grand openings, and christenings. People trust me to come in and be the soundtrack to their event or precious memory. It’s an honor for me. I’m so thankful I have this gift. I’m so thankful that I’ve never wasted it.”