
51 Articles Published | Follow:
A Look Into Physical/Mental Health in First Responders

Behind the Shield podcast host, James Geering, shares his story and draws back the curtain on physical and mental health in first responders.

Follow Me: Janet Shelley, Theatre Teacher Retires

Janet Shelley is as animated as one would expect in a person who has spent her life in the theater. Follow her story July — August 2021.

Locala Magazine, July 2021

How do you define a hero? Join us as we explore the stories from everyday heroes in Ocala, FL. Our July 2021 issue is now available.

Musician Speaks Up About Depression During Isolation

Ocala musician, Joshua Jacobs, speaks up about depression during the 2020 pandemic. “For an hour, I get to be my perfect self.”

Audiology Brings Family Together at Hear Now, LLC

“People ask, ‘Do you get to see your family often?’ I tell them more than you can imagine.” -Ernest Walden, Hear Now, LLC

Follow Me: Sean Hampton, Roots Run Deep

Sean Hampton of some very prominent figures in Ocala, and they have left him with a can do attitude as their legacy. Follow his story.

He Shares His Culture Through Food & Gratitude

Full of gratitude is the phrase that bests describes La Cuisine French Restaurant owner, Patrice Perron. Learn more about this chef’s story.

New Ocala Resident Reaching Out

I’m going to prove to you that I am smart, I’m going to prove to you that people will take me seriously, and people love me. -Chiquita Nicole

Childhood Dream Becomes a Reality

That’s one of the beauties of having a small community. People really stepped-up and supported local during that time. It was a huge stress relief.

Shoogie Mama Did Not Set Out to Make Natural Skin Products from Scratch

Shoogie Mama started the journey with a health scare in 2007, after a mysterious lump appeared in the breast tissue under her armpit.