The Surgeon of Song, Becky Sinn, has taken the leap to performing full-time in her solo career as well as with the band, Swing Theory.
Becky Sinn has been captivating Ocala with her voice since she was a teenager. She is our cover queen, and August’s Follow Me story.
“People think, ‘Oh, theater is fun, and it’s fluff.’ No! It’s not! It’s hard work.” Read the conclusion of Janet Shelley’s story.
Sean Hampton cut his teeth on short films and produced several community feature films. Read the conclusion of his month long story now.
Janet Shelley is as animated as one would expect in a person who has spent her life in the theater. Follow her story July — August 2021.
Sean Hampton of some very prominent figures in Ocala, and they have left him with a can do attitude as their legacy. Follow his story.