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Rayen Kamta is an East Coast native, who decided to take a chance on building a new business—two businesses, actually. “One is called Geeks Do Byte, and this is a mobile application service. I create websites and apps for iPhone and Android. I have another [business] called Red Script Kitty, and this is automation [related]. I go into a business as a consultant, and I will help automate their tasks,” Rayen explains.
For example, he recently helped a business move their permitting department from pen and paper to a digitally-based process. Rayen created software the company’s clients could easily use to fill in a PDF with all necessary information—saving everyone time.
Rayen believes in transparency and education. He will teach his clients how to maintain a blog and utilize the software they are purchasing, and once his clients have paid in full, he transfers the rights of the source code to them. This means if a client chooses to utilize another company, they don’t need to start from scratch, as Rayen often does, when he works with a new client.
He is into more than bits and bytes, though. Since moving to the area, Rayen has started taking dance lessons. “It’s really fun. The first day I didn’t know how to do [the steps]. The box step was so hard, and now I could do it in my sleep. It’s really fun to meet new people there, [too].” When he isn’t working or dancing, Rayen enjoys getting out into nature and spending time with his dog and two cats.
Originally from New Jersey, Rayen moved down to Ocala in 2020 after reading an article that had ranked Ocala as Number One for small businesses back in 2008 or 2009. He is excited about the growth of the city over the next five to ten years and intends to give back through volunteering. Rayen wants to support and nurture the community he is now happy to call home.
Learn More
Red Script Kitty: ocala.dev
Geeks Do Byte: geeksdobyte.com