Dear Ocala,
If we’re going to celebrate womanhood, then we should also celebrate manhood. What better time to do that than during Men’s Health Awareness month, otherwise known as “Movember.”
Gentlemen, you rocked my world with your enthusiasm to be a part of this magazine. In fact, this issue was almost fully planned out before the preceding one! In this issue, we have Willy Richeson’s journey of health, Woodly Oralus’ dedication to overcoming life’s walls, Tuckson Garnes’ purpose behind building his own business, and Josh Dinesen’s journey from police officer to printing expert.
We couldn’t just stop at these amazing themed stories and feature. We were excited to sit down and talk with Dr. Alberto Rullan, so he could tell us how he is “Breaking Social Norms” with his equine work.
To keep the inspiration going, we talked with videographer Mike Palma for some tips on why DIY may not be the best option, and sat down with Joshua Mazur, conductor of the Ocala Symphony Chorus. Joshua’s musical story is this month’s Follow Me, and Angela Boone’s story concludes. Plus, Dr. Manal Fakhoury tells us about “The Importance of Personal Development.”

Last, but never least, is Ocala’s beloved Fiery Chef, Loring Felix. We couldn’t pass up an opportunity to sit down and chat with the man who has filled our stomachs with delicious food since the Eighties.
And don’t forget to check out the GIVErtorials! These sponsored stories are certainly worth the read.
For all those who celebrate, I want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Thank you, Ocala, for embracing me, this magazine, and all the stories of those who opened their hearts to us.
Most Sincerely,
Lisa Anderson, Publisher
Locala magazine