Loss can be brutal on your mind, spirit, AND body. However, Vicki Sheerin had a better idea, to take them back. Read her story here!
Jamie Blankenship may have been broken time and again, but her spirit continued to exude perseverance and strength to keep going.
Cyle might have been born with Prader-Willi Syndrome, but he was also gifted with something greater, more powerful. A “Can Do” Spirit!
The Corkscrew, you know it, you love it, now learn the story behind it! Read Tim and Adam’s story of how they came by this Ocala mainstay!
In 2004, Andria began to experience numbness, swelling, and pain in her hands. That’s when she turned to therapeutic massage for help!
Leighton Okus’ journey was never an easy one, but that did not stop her from facing her challenges head on! Read her amazing story here.
Ocala, FL | Locala Magazine | Theme: Healthy Heart | Join us as we amp up our health consciousness and strive for a better year!
Phyllis Silverman created the Senior Resource Foundation of Ocala to help seniors find their place in today’s society.
Julia DosSantos has been doing CrossFit since 2019. Her story isn’t one of extreme makeover or huge feats of strength. It is honest.
When David and Jodi Alexander left south Florida, they were eager for a more rural and family-focused place to call home. They found it!