Ocala Fl

Harmony: The Dynamics of Love

Jackie Korpela found love in unexpected ways. She’s a fierce wife, mom, and girlfriend. Learn more about the harmony in her life.

Building a Community of Warriors

Shae Tozzo, co-owner of CrossFit Zoo with her husband Dave, has been in gyms nearly her entire life. She’s building a community of warriors.

Her Experience is Why She Helps Other Women

Kara Mangum’s mission is to provide resources and care packages for women experiencing miscarriage in the United States.

Locala Magazine, August 2021

Locala magazine is celebrating womanhood in our August 2021 issue. Come read the stories of the movers and shakers in our city.

Actor to Producer: Sean Hampton, Conclusion

Sean Hampton cut his teeth on short films and produced several community feature films. Read the conclusion of his month long story now.

A Hero’s Quest: The Heart & Science of Transformation

Chris Cahill helps people find their inner hero and Trevor Bonnell helps you find the money. Together, they are Q4 Quest.

Retired Nurse Now Enjoys Serving You Breakfast

If you are a weekday customer at Chelsea Coffee Company, you may have noticed Nancy Payne making your breakfast orders.

Ocala Hairstylist Breaks Free of the Bubble

Tiffany Ritter proves she’s an everyday hero by putting in the work to rejoin the world. Find out how she escaped the bubble.

Ocala Nurse Cares with Compassion

Ocala nurse leads by example and cares with compassion. RN, Tamara Dillon, shares her story as an everyday hero.

Follow Me: Janet Shelley, Theatre Teacher Retires

Janet Shelley is as animated as one would expect in a person who has spent her life in the theater. Follow her story July — August 2021.