Tiffany Ritter proves she’s an everyday hero by putting in the work to rejoin the world. Find out how she escaped the bubble.
Ocala nurse leads by example and cares with compassion. RN, Tamara Dillon, shares her story as an everyday hero.
Ocala musician, Joshua Jacobs, speaks up about depression during the 2020 pandemic. “For an hour, I get to be my perfect self.”
Full of gratitude is the phrase that bests describes La Cuisine French Restaurant owner, Patrice Perron. Learn more about this chef’s story.
I’m going to prove to you that I am smart, I’m going to prove to you that people will take me seriously, and people love me. -Chiquita Nicole
That’s one of the beauties of having a small community. People really stepped-up and supported local during that time. It was a huge stress relief.