moving to ocala
Mimi Leggett has been fearlessly charging ahead for over eight decades. Check out her amazing story right here!
Lisa Midgett spent her youth in Miami, Florida. Through falling in love with the most unlikely of partner’s, her career led her here!
Things To Do Ocala creator, Kelly McAtee, broke the Facebook algorithm. Read the conclusion of her story now!
Ocala, FL | Locala Magazine | Theme: Bucket List Items | Join us as we head into the New Year with open hearts and fresh goals!
Rayen Kamta is an East Coast native, who decided to take a chance on building a new business—two businesses, actually.
A career in hospitality is virtually custom-made for a people-loving extrovert who thrives in social settings. Enter Jeremy Gow.
Her look, timeless, her love for the community, endless, her commitment, boundless, Kelly McAtee is truly Ocala’s Gem!
Dealing with Bipolar II Disorder is no easy task, but Jodi Anderson finds strength in friendships and balance! Read her story now!
Leda Pérez, Director at The Ora Clubhouse, talks about how the clubhouse is helping our community and shares her journey to becoming director.
Leah Oxendine published an illustrative book of poetry speaking directly to mental health titled When My Soul Bleeds Words. Read her story!